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Cardiovascular/Circulatory System

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Q37849 Lipoprotein Fractionation (NMR with Lipids)

Lipoprotein Fractionation, NMR with Lipid Panel (Triglycerides/HDL-C) - The Lipoprotein Fractionation, NMR test is used to help assess the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with intermediate or high risk based on traditional or emerging risk factors, and to assess therapeutic response in patients undergoing lipid-lowering therapy. The lipid panel is used to determine an individual's risk of developing cardiovascular disease and to monitor the efficacy of therapy or lifestyle changes.

Q7600 Lipid Panel (basic cholesterol/trigs)

This panel is a basic cholesterol with triglyceride test. Ideal as an add-on to other testing to assess cholesterol levels. See test Q34789 for LDL fractionation panel which gives more in-depth detail of LDL particle sizes.

Q705 CHL Cardio Complete

Our Cardio CHL Complete tests includes all of our CHL panels in one full panel.

Q11345 Thrombotic Marker Panel

This panel includes
D-Dimer, Quantitative
Fibrin Monomer
Prothrombin Fragment 1.2
Thrombin- Antithrombin (TAT) Complex

Q94220 Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel

This test is part of our CHL Cardiovascular testing that is further enhanced by the SmartVascular Test (Formerly the PULS test).

Test Panel Contains, Cardio IQ: Cholesterol Total, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Non-HDL & Calculated Components, Lipoprotein Fractionation, ApoB, Lipoprotein (a), Hs-CRP, Lp-PLA2 Activity

Q704 CHL Cardio Elite Profile

Our CHL Cardio Elite includes F2- Isoprostanes/Creatinine, ADMA, Lp-PLA2, OxLDL, hs-CRP, Myeloperoxidase

Fasting preferred, but not required

Q11368/Q36555 PAI Gene 4G/5G & PAI Status Level

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a member of the serpin family that are involved in fibrinolysis and wound healing.

PAI-1 is therefore crucially involved in cardiovascular health, cancer and chronic health conditions. Measuring PAI-1 helps us to better understand risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis in particular.

Sillen M and Declerck PJ (2020) Targeting PAI-1 in Cardiovascular Disease: Structural Insights Into PAI-1 Functionality and Inhibition. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 7:622473. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2020.622473

PAI- 4G/5G
PAI genes encode the Serpine1 gene, which is positioned on chromosome 7. The 4G/5G is a common polymorphism


Q300 CIRS Coagulation Panel

Coagulation markers frequently seen in CIRS with specific focus on VWF markers: Protime with INR, Plasminogen Act (PAI-1), VWF SCR, PTT Act, Factor III, VWF Ag, Ristocetin.

Protime with INR, Plasminogen Act (PAI-1), WVF SCR (PTT Act, Factor VIII,
VWF Ag, Risostecin)

Q702 CHL Initial Metabolic Profile

The CHL Initial Metabolic includes CMP, CBC, Insulin, NMR lipids, hsCRP, OxLDL, Homocysteine for a basic overview of cardio-metabolic health.

Q703 CHL Advanced Cardio Profile

The CHL Advanced Cardio includes a full lipid panel, Lipoprotein Fractionation, APOE status, Adiponectin, TMAO, Lp(a) and Lp-PLA2 for a more advanced cardiovascular assessment. These markers combine to deliver a robust assessment of cardiovascular health.

Q90271 Von Willebrand Screen

This test is the Von Willebrand basic panel.

Includes Partial Thromboplastin Time, Activated, Factor VIII Activity, Clotting, von Willebrand Factor Antigen, Ristocetin Cofactor

Cellular Function/Energy & Biotransformation

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Gastrointestinal System & Microbiome Function

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GB802 Triosmart Breath Test

The Triosmart breath test is a first of its' kind breath test assessing hydrogen, methane and hydrogen sulphide. Brought to you by the same organisation that
delivered the IBS Smart test we are delighted to bring this test to the UK.

DS816 GI Map+ Candida and H.pylori

This test comprises the standard GI Map test with candida antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM) and H.pylori antibodies (IgG) for a more comprehensive view of the immunological response to common GI potential pathogens.

NL864 Infection Causing Bacteria

Includes research on the bacteria that cause 92% of all classical intestinal infections, namely: Proteus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella aerogenes, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria, Yersinia enterocolitica, Helicobacter pylori, Clostridium perfringens and Clostridioides difficile.

DS811 GI MAP+Zonulin

Gi-Map +Zonulin Add on. Single sample qPCR Stool test acutely sensitive to parasites, bacteria and fungi.

Assessment can also be made of how much of an organism's DNA is present so a more comprehensive potential pathogen picture can be understood. This test is an ideal first phase gut test. The zonulin add-on gives an insight into risk of intestinal hyper-permeability.

NL865 Extensive Parasite Research

With periodic intestinal complaints, there is a high probability that a parasitic infection is the cause. Our study is the most comprehensive parasite research on the market and identifies the 16 species responsible for more than 95% of parasitic intestinal infections worldwide.

NL866 Quality of Digestion

Complete insight into the quality of digestion. This examination is suitable in cases of osmotic diarrhea, steatorrhea, pancreatic insufficiency and impaired liver function. The research includes the determination of fat, carbohydrate, protein and water content and pancreatic elastase in the stool.

NL867 Yeasts & Moulds

This package examines whether elevated amounts of yeasts and/or fungi are present and how active they are. Any presence of Candida albicans and Aspergillus is specifically noted in the report.

NL863 ProDysbiosis Monitoring

A series of three Pro Dysbiosis tests that provide insight into the development of the balance of the gut microbiome over a period of time. After the 2nd and 3rd measurement, the report is completed with information on the development of the dysbiotic status compared to the previous measurement(s).

NL862 ProDysbiosis

This package provides insight into whether the gut microbiome is in balance, based on the two largest groups of bacteria in the gut microbiome. In case of imbalance (dysbiosis), you get information on the type of dysbiosis, the degree of dysbiosis, characteristics of the sample and therapy advice to treat that specific type of dysbiosis.

Thanks to our research method used, the sample remains usable for up to seven days after collection(unlike other methods).

NL861 ProMaster

The most comprehensive gut microbiome package from NL, this test goes beyond the ProExpert profile and offers additional advanced testing that provides insight into gut wall quality, permeability, repair capacity and inflammation (if any), kidney function, and systemic inflammatory states.

NL860 ProExpert

This package offers everything from the Pro Basic package, plus additional bacterial analyses (Akkermansia and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii) and insight into the role of the gut microbiome on: probiotic function, mucus function, gut membrane protection, gut wall permeability, and possible gut wall inflammation.

Thanks to our research method used, the sample remains usable for up to seven days after collection(unlike other methods).

DS814 GI MAP plus Gluten Peptide

The Fecal Gluten Peptide assay is a direct measurement of the 33-mer gliadin peptide in stool. It is not an antibody or immune response test (as is fecal SIgA). If the gluten peptide is present in stool, then gluten has entered the digestive tract via consumption.

As a direct peptide measurement, it is not subject to the same limitations of immunosuppression as with antibody testing.
The Fecal Gluten Peptide marker helps eliminate the ambiguity of cross reactivity. If the Fecal Gluten Peptide is detected in stool, the patient has been directly exposure to gluten, specifically.
The detection of gluten peptide in stool indicates recent intake of gluten (within two to four days). When gluten is detected in the stool of a patient on a GF diet, the Fecal Gluten Peptide marker can guide the patient and healthcare provider to the source of "hidden" gluten exposures and increase adherence to a true therapeutic diet.

LM6701 Bacterial Translocation Profile

LBP, TNFa, IL10, F-Actin-Ab IgA, I-FABP

GB801 IBS Smart (SIBO Antibody Testing)

IBS Smart is an advanced test for confirming post-infectious IBS.
Suitable for assessing diarrhoea or mixed-type symptoms of IBS associated with food poisoning/gastroenteritis (anti-vinculin autoimmunity typically develops 3-4 months post infection). Once Anti-CdtB antibodies have developed, anti-vinculin antibodies tend to follow. This immune activity mediates the cells of cajal that line and enervate the intestinal lining, leading to an increased risk of motility issues via changes in MMC function.


Single sample qPCR Stool test acutely sensitive to parasites, bacteria and fungi as it targets the specific DNA of the organisms tested. This test is excellent for assessing presence of H.pylori.
Assessment is made of how much of an organism's DNA is present so a more comprehensive potential pathogen picture can be understood. This test is an ideal first phase gut test.
Additional intestinal health markers are also reported on this test, giving an excellent overview of a client's gut inflammatory profile.

AE820 SIBO (Breath Test) Lactulose

Our SIBO breath collection kits come with either Glucose or Lactulose as a substrate so please select the option you want. This option is the lactulose substate, but visit AE821 for the glucose option.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a disorder of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine. Unlike the large intestine, which is rich with bacteria, SIBO occurs when bacteria enter your normally almost completely sterile small intestine and begin to colonise. Patients with bacterial overgrowth typically develop symptoms including nausea, bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea, malnutrition, weight loss and malabsorption. Glucose is useful for distal SIBO and Lactulose for proximal SIBO. We recommend starting with Lactulose if this is the first time the test has been undertaken.

AE821 SIBO Breath Test (Glucose)

Our SIBO breath collection kits come with either Glucose or Lactulose as a substrate so please select the option you want.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a disorder of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine. Unlike the large intestine, which is rich with bacteria, SIBO occurs when bacteria enter your normally almost completely sterile small intestine and begin to colonise. Patients with bacterial overgrowth typically develop symptoms including nausea, bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea, malnutrition, weight loss and malabsorption.

Glucose is useful for distal SIBO and Lactulose for proximal SIBO. We recommend starting with Lactulose if this is the first time the test has been undertaken.

AE822 Dietary Intolerance- Fructose, Lactose, Sucrose

Intolerance test options include Fructose, Lactose and Sucrose.

Fructose malabsorption is a digestive disorder where fructose absorption is impaired. This results in an increased concentration of fructose in the intestine. This test can be useful to differentiate from other malabsorption disorders and give clarity for clients who may have IBS-type symptoms. This test does not assess hereditary fructose malabsorption which is a genetically driven condition.

Sucrose intolerance can also be found in those with IBS type symptoms. Sucrose (common table sugar) is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. It is found in sugar cane, sugar beets and many fruits and vegetables. The enzyme sucrase is present in both animal and plant tissues and hydrolyzes sucrose into its two component monosaccharides.

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose. Lactose is a milk sugar, so is found in milk and other dairy foods. Intolerance to lactose can lead to symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhoea or cramping when dairy products are consumed. Symptoms come as a result of the body's lack of the enzyme lactase, which is an enzyme produced in the small intestine required in order to digest lactose.

NL850 Gut Microbiome - Screening

This specialised test considers microbiome composition for a comprehensive GI Microbiome analysis.

Not only are individual microbes assessed but a composition graph gives relative percentages of each species. Charts are then provided to show whether levels fall below or are reported above reference values. The result also shows activity of each group with active/inactive percentages given.

PT830 Parasite Full GI Panel

This stool test is an advanced parasite panel that includes the Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CSA).

This stool test is highly recommended for patients with GI symptoms who have had negative stool tests for parasites, as the symptoms for pathogenic bacteria are very similar to those of parasitic infections. Full GI Panel consists of the Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CSA) and the Swab Culture. The combination of these two tests provides full coverage screening of all intestinal pathogens and is recommended for anyone experiencing GI symptoms. The CSA provides a detailed analysis of all intestinal parasites (Protozoa, Trematodes,Tapeworms, Nematodes) from all 7 continents as well as other intestinal organisms including Candida, yeast, and other fungi. Analysis of bio-indicators such as red and white blood cells, mucus, fatty acid crystals, starch granules, undigested tissue, beneficial bacteria, epithelial cells, pollen, and charcot-leyden crystals is also included. Swabs are taken for culturing and analysis of bacterial and fungal infections. Sensitivity and resistance results as well as quantification of positive findings indicating intensity of infection are also included. The Swab Culture can be used for culturing stool, skin, urine, or any other body parts or secretions,

PT831 Parasite CSA

The CSA stool test provides a detailed analysis of all intestinal parasites (Protozoa, Trematodes,Tapeworms, Nematodes)

It considers parasites from all 7 continents as well as other intestinal organisms including Candida, yeast, and other fungi. Analysis of bio-indicators such as red and white blood cells, mucus, fatty acid crystals, starch granules, undigested tissue, beneficial bacteria, epithelial cells, pollen, and charcot-leyden crystals is also included.

Genetics & Gene Expression

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KA910 HLA DRB 1,3,4,5 DQB1 (swab)

HLA testing supports understanding of response to environment. This easy to use cheek swab test means that a blood draw is not required for this test.

PD501 GENIE Test

GENIE stands for Gene Expression by Nanostring: Inflammation Explained. It measures gene expression in mRNA.

GENIE is a blood test that is a research only assay of mRNA in white blood cells, reporting on up or down regulation of key genes. The blood draw is non-fasting and must be drawn between 9-11am. Results can be expected within 30 days. Two tubes are drawn as patients with profound hypometabolism typically produce lower amounts of RNA and sometimes this low amount drops below the minimum amount to run the assay effectively.

The most important question that GENIE will answer is whether or not the lab results show hypometabolism. We look for suppression of ribosomal genes (found in (i) large and (ii) small subunits) in treatment-naïve patients to show such hypometabolism. Similarly, mitochondrial genes that are encoded in the nucleus (Note: of the over 1000 mitochondrial genes only 37 are located in mitochondria; the rest are in our nuclear DNA and thereby subject to regulation of nuclear DNA transcription). The mitochondrial genes that we look at include (i) electron transport genes; (ii) inner and outer membrane protein transport genes; and (iii) ATP synthase genes. We also look at ribosomes inside mitochondria called mitoribosomes, both as the (iv) large and (v) small subunits.

Q97112 HLA Testing (CIRS)

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) profiles indicate antigen presentation capacity.

Antigen presentation then determines the likely immune response to a foreign protein. This HLA test considers the HLA profile required for consideration of CIRS as per the work of Dr Shoemaker and the Centre for Biotoxin Related Illness.

Choo SY. The HLA System: Genetics, immunology, clinical testing and clinical implications. Yonsei Med. J 2007:48(1):11-23

Berndtson, K., McMahon, S., Ackerley, M., Rapaport, S., Gupta, S., Shoemaker, R. Medically sound investigation and remediation of water-damaged buildings in cases of chronic inflammatory response syndrome. Published online. 2016 Jan. retrieved on 9/22/18

Q10642 APOE Genotype

This test reports on APOE genotype. ApoE is an apolipoprotein that has many roles in lipid regulation.

APOE is perhaps best known in recent years related to polymorphisms that encode e2, e3 and 34. There are therefore 6 possible genotypes e2/e2, e2/e3, e2/e4, e3/e3, e4/e3, e4/e4 which can all affect lipid levels.
E2/e2= increased triglycerides and reductions in total cholesterol
E4/e3 and e4/e4 = increased total thoclesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

ApoE e4 carriers have a 42% higher risk for Cardiovascular Disease.
Statins has been shown to work more effectively in those with e2/e2 or e2/e3 genotypes.

E4 has been shown to be highly associated with Alzheimer’s and features highly in the work of Dr Dale Bredesen.

Q17135 Coeliac HLA Panel (HLA DQ2/8, DQa1/DQB1)

Our Coeliac panel is part of a series to understand a patient's antibody and genetic status relating to Coeliac Disease.

Q168 ADmark APP DNA Sequence

This test can indicate a genetic risk for cognitive decline relating to the ADmark APP gene.

Q93063 Presen 1 DNA Sequence

Presenilin 1 is a genetic risk marker for cognitive decline.

It is typically tested alongside presenilin 2.

Q93064 Presen 2 DNA Sequence

Presenilin 2 is a genetic risk marker for cognitive decline.

It is typically tested alongside presenilin 1.

PD503 GENIE Spare Tubes

Spare tubes can be ordered if required.

Hormones/Neuro-endocrine Communication System

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Q7260 Thyroid Antibodies

Thyroid Peroxidase and Thyroglobulin Antibodies - Measurement of thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies is useful in the diagnosis and management of a variety of thyroid disorders including autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto's Disease, Graves Disease and certain types of goiter.

Q400 Sex Hormone Panel (+SHBG) (CIRS Hormones)

This hormone panel is an ideal adjunct to CIRS biomarkers for a complete CIRS assessment.

Includes DHEA-S, Estradiol, Total Estrogen, Progesterone, Free Testosterone, Cortisol AM, SHBG

Q401 Thyroid Comprehensive Panel

Thyroid testing offers the ability to assess thyroid function to a greater or lesser extent depending on what analysis is required.

We offer both a blood draw and blood spot options. Please log in to see our full listing.

Includes TPO/Thyro AB, TSH, FT3, T4, FT4

Q402 Thyroid Elite Panel

Thyroid testing offers the ability to assess thyroid function to a greater or lesser extent depending on what analysis is required.

We offer both a blood draw and blood spot options. Please log in to see our full listing.

Z703 Hormone: Female Bloodspot Profile 1

Fertility Testing includes a basic panel that considers hormones as well as an advanced panel that considers immune and coagulation factors. Both could be run together for a more complete picture. The Fertility Add-on section includes fertility-related markers that can be run as add-ons or individually.

Includes E2, Pg, T, SHBG, DS, C

Z704 Hormone: Female Bloodspot Profile 2 (Thyroid)

Fertility Testing includes a basic panel that considers hormones as well as an advanced panel that considers immune and coagulation factors. Both could be run together for a more complete picture. The Fertility Add-on section includes fertility-related markers that can be run as add-ons or individually.

Cx4, E2, Pg, T, SHBG, DS, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab

Z705 Thyroid Advanced Bloodspot Profile

Thyroid testing offers the ability to assess thyroid function to a greater or lesser extent depending on what analysis is required.

We offer both a blood draw and blood spot options. Please log in to see our full listing.

Includes T4, Tgbn, FT4, FT3, TPOab, TSH

Z710 Adrenal Profile with CAR

Adrenal hormone panel to assess robustness of stress response. Includes CAR.

Includes Cortisol, DHEA, Salivary IgA plus CAR

Z711 Hormone: Estrogen Elite Panel

This urine test is an easy to use oestrogen focused test.

Includes 13 oestrogen markers, 2 progesterone markers and 5 androgens along with creatinine.

Z712 Hormone: Basic Metabolites Panel

This test is part of our easy to use at home hormone series of tests.

Includes: 3 oestrogens, 2 progesterones, 5 androgens, 1 glucocorticoid and creatinine.

Z721 Hormone: Advanced Metabolites

Complete hormone metabolite panel, including additional melatonin markers.

Includes Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol, Bisphenol A, Pregnanediol, Allopregnanolone, Allopregnanediol, Dihydroprogesterone, Deoxycorticosterone, Corticosterone, Pgdiol/E2, DHEA, Androstenedione, Androsterone, Etiocholanolone, Testosterone, Total Cortisol, Total Cortisone, Tetrahydrocortisol, Tetrahydrocortisone, Free Cortisol, Free Cortisone, Melatonin, Creatinine

Immune System/Defence

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AL318 184 Food Panel IgG & igE

This test considers 184 foods for both IgG and IgE immunoglobulin response.

Assessing more than one immunoglobulin type allows for greater context when assessing food-immune reactivity.
IgE results indicate potential for an allergic response and IgG relates to a hypersensitivity response.

AL317 96 Food IgG & IgE panel

This test considers both IgG and IgE food immune reactivity. When assessing these markers it is important that a level is reported, not just a positive or negative result.

Food sensitivity can be a useful consideration for a range of symptoms, and it can also be important assess more than one immunologlobulin result to assess the wider immune picture.

LM001 Immune Status (Lymphocyte Typing) Practitioner Panel 3 PLUS Partial Viral: EBV | VZV | CMV | HSV1/2-Abs

Panel includes LM6261 Immune status (lymphocyte typing) plus partial viral panel (EBV/VZV/CMV/HSV1&2 IgGabs)

LM002 Immune Status (Lymphocyte Typing) (MeGeMIT) & Full Viral Serology

LM6261 Immune Status (MeGeMIT) Lymphocyte typing test panel PLUS full viral serology CMV | EBV | HSV1/2 | HHV6 | RSV | PARVO | VZV | CHLAMYD

LM2275 CFS related Biomarkers

FBC, CRPs, Ferritin, TSH, LH, Testo., SHBG, DHEAS, Pregn.sulphate, ACE, ACTH,sIL2R, ANA, Chromogr. A, Serot., IL6, IL1b,MCP-1, HoCys., SARS-CoV2-IgG Ab, + Cortisol-24h profile

LM2276 Fibromyalgia related Biomarkers

FBC, CRPs, Ferritin, TSH, TPO Ak, TG Ak, DHEAS, Pregn.sulphate,Chromogr. A, Holo-TC, Serotonin, IL6, MCP-1, ANA, HoCys., Vit. B6 + Neurostress-Profile (see Saliva/urine form)

DS820 CytoDX

Pro-Inflammatory; GM-CSF, IFN gamma : Th1, IL-1 beta, IL-2 : Th1, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8
Pro-Inflammatory: IL-12 p70 : Th1, IL-17A : Th17, IL-18, TNF alpha, IL-15, MIP-1 beta (CCL4), RANTES
Anti-Inflammatory IL-4 : Th2, IL-5 : Th2, IL-10 : Treg, IL-13 : Th2

LM1743 Gangliosides & Myelin Antibodies

This panel is one of our specialised antibody panels. These tests are typically considered for chronic auto-immune pathologies.

Includes Gangliosides & Myelin antibodies.

IM350 Auto-immune Liver Antibodies

This test considers key antibodies relating to liver disease.

Includes: Actin (Smooth muscle) antibody and Mitochondrial antibody.

IMAL351 Auto-Immune Liver Antibodies + Auto-Immune Panel

Key auto-immune antibodies are tested for with this panel. The panel includes liver-specific antibodies.

LM3539 Immune Helper Cell Typing (MeGeMIT)

This panel is part of the MeGeMIT series of tests relating to Micro-immunotherapy.

Included: T4 T helper rel, T helper (1) cells, T helper (2) cells, Quotient TH1/TH2, T helper (17) cells, TH17 cells related, T-helper 1/T-helper 17 cells, T reg cells, Quotient Th17. Treg

LM3786 Antibodies: Diabetes Related (GAD, insulin)

This panel is part of our series of specialised auto-immune panels.

Pre-Diabetes Panel considers cardio-metabolic factors as well as insulin/glucose status (Cardio IQ, Adiponectin, HbA1C, Fasting glucose, GGT).

When Type 1 Diabetes develops in later life, it is known as Latent Autoimmune Diabetes (LADA). When Glutamic Acid Decaboxylase (GAD) antibodies are positive this supports a diagnosis of LADA. GAD antibodies are part of the auto-immune process that contribute to the destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Insulin antibodies also contribute to the lowering of insulin levels. Around 30% of Type 1 Diabetes cases are diagnosed after the age of 30, with around 3-12% of adult diabetes cases being LADA.

Stiff Person Syndrome can be associated with very high levels of GAD antibodies.

Pieralice S, Pozzilli P. Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults: A Review on Clinical Implications and Management. Diabetes Metab J. 2018 Dec;42(6):451-464. doi: 10.4093/dmj.2018.0190. PMID: 30565440; PMCID: PMC6300440.

LM4687 Inflammation Profile (MeGeMIT)

This panel is part of the MeGeMIT series of tests relating to Micro-immunotherapy.

This test considers inflammatory markers.

LM5957 Mast Cell Activation Panel

Our mast cell activation panel is part of a specialised series of tests considering histamine.

Additional tests in the series: IG613 intestinal permeability panel that considers histamine and DAO, LM938 Histamine Assessment panel includes DAO, free histamine and total histamine. Additional tests in the series: IG613 intestinal permeability panel that considers histamine and DAO, LM938 Histamine Assessment panel includes DAO, free histamine and total histamine. LMHistB considers histamine, histamine breakdown, free histamine, total histamine and Methylhistamine/histamine. PD501 GENIE test considers CCL5 and HDC histamine related gene activity. PD501 GENIE test considers CCL5 and HDC histamine related gene activity.

Includes: Total histamine, tryptase, cysteine leukotrienes, Chromogranin A.

LM983 Histamine Essentials Panel

Our histamine assessment panel is part of a specialised series of tests considering histamine.

Additional tests in the series: IG613 intestinal permeability panel that considers histamine and DAO, LM938 Histamine Assessment panel includes DAO, free histamine and total histamine. LMHistB considers histamine, histamine breakdown, free histamine, total histamine and Methylhistamine/histamine. PD501 GENIE test considers CCL5 and HDC histamine related gene activity.

Includes Histamine total, Histamine free, DAO, Total IgE

LM4884 Protein Serum Profile (MeGeMIT)

This test is a protein serum profile that forms part of the MeGeMIT series.

MeGeMIT panels are typically ordered as part of a Micro-immunotherapy protocol.

Includes: C3, A-1-Antitrypsin, alpha-1-glycoprotein, Haptoglobin, Albumin, Prealbumin, Transferrin, IgG, IgA, IgM, HsCRP

Q100 CIRS Elite (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) Full Panel

Our CIRS panels include all options for the Shoemaker Protocol from laboratories consistent with CIRS studies.
aMSH, TGFb1, MMP9, C4a, Copeptin/Osmolality, Cortisol/ACTH, Leptin, C4a, C3a,
ACLA, Total IgE (PLUS MARCoNS add-on option will be extra)

Q11073 Coeliac tTg IgG/IgA (tissue Transglutaminase IgG/IgA)

Coeliac antibodies are measured on this panel relating to tissue transglutaminase IgG/IgA.

AL311 Candida Immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA)

Candida antibody testing including IgA, IgG, IgM immunoglobulins.

This test is ideal to better understand immunological response to Candida, via IgA (localised response in the mucosal tissue), IgG (Systemic, longer term response) and IgM (first phase response). Candida antibodies for IgG and IgA are included in the AL305 mould hypersensitivity test also, but IgM results are only available via this AL311 test.

Immunoglobulin testing for Candida can also be undertaken as an adjunct test to a stool test where Candida is found, such as the GI Map test.

Q11469 Infertility Advanced / Recurrent Miscarriage Immune Panel

This panel covers many gene and antibody markers relating to increased risk of coagulation concerns and recurrent miscarriage.

Includes Advanced Coagulation panel that includes Lupus Anticoagulant Evaluation with Reflex (PTT-LA and dRVVT with Reflex Confirmations), Protein C/ S Antigen, Prothrombin (Factor II) 20210G-> A MA, Factor V MA, Antithrombin III Activity, Cardiolipin Abs (IgA, IgG, IgM), Beta-2- Glycoprotein I Abs (IgG, IgA, IgM), Phosphatidylserine Abs (IgG, IgM), Homocysteine

AL314 Auto-Immune Panel (Key Antibodies) - Unexplained Fatigue

This panel is ideal for consideration of unexplained fatigue and a case where auto-immunity is suspected. Key antibodies are included such as:
ANA, Anti-dsDNA, Anti-CCP IgG, RF IgM, RF IgA, Anti-TPO IgG, Anti-Tg IgG

Q150 CIRS - Lite

Our CIRS panels include all options for the Shoemaker Protocol from laboratories consistent with CIRS studies.

aMSH, TGFb1, MMP9, C4a, Total IgE, Leptin

Q15681 Coeliac Panel (tTg Ab, Gliadin Ab, IgA)

Our Coeliac panel is part of a series to understand a patient's antibody and genetic status relating to Coeliac Disease.

Includes transglutaminase antibodies and gliadin antibodies.

Q15681/Q17135 Coeliac Panel (tTg Ab, Gliadin Ab, IgA) & HLA DQ2/8/DQA1/DQB1

Our Coeliac panel is part of a series to understand a patient's antibody and genetic status relating to Coeliac Disease.

Includes tTg and gliadin antibodies, as well as HLA DQ2/8 genetics.

Q170 CIRS Express- C4a, aMSH, MMP9

Our CIRS panels include all options for the Shoemaker Protocol from laboratories consistent with CIRS studies.

Q7903 IgG Subclass Panel

This panel measures Immunoglobulin G Subclasses.

Measurement of IgG subclasses may help in the management and understanding of immunodeficiency diseases, hypersensitivity states, and conditions involving susceptibility to infection.

LMHISTEL Histamine Elite Panel

This test is part of our histamine panel series. It includes histamine breakdown markers.

This test includes markers from the Histamine Essentials Panel along with histamine breakdown markers.

Includes Histamine breakdown capacity THAK, DAO, Ratio Methylhistamine/Histamine, Total Histamine, Free histamine

AL316 Immunisation & Vaccine Component 9 x IgE

Consideration of immunisation and vaccine components as well as an additional add-on to check for total IgE.
Positive results may contribute to an allergic immune response.

Includes Egg white, egg yolk, Ovalbumin, Ovomucoid, Casein, Cow's milk, Gelatin bovine, Latex, Sacc. Cerevisiae

BV710 Dietary Peptides

Dietary peptides relating to gluten and milk proteins are assessed via this urine panel.

Includes Creatinine, Milk Proteins: B--Casomorphin 7, 1-3,1-4,1-4amid Gluten Proteins: Gliadorphin, Exorphin A5, B5, C

Metabolism/Glycaemic Flexibility/Nutrient status

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LM5547 Minerals and Metals

Mg, Zn, Se, Ca, K, Mn, Cr, Fe, P, Pb, Cd, Ni, Hg, Al, Pd, As, Co, V, Sn, Th, In, Ir

DS854 Organic Metabolomics (OMX- Organic Acid + Amino Acids)

The OMX?™ Organic Metabolomics test from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory evaluates urine and plasma metabolites—including organic acids, amino acids, and other key compounds—to assist practitioners in unraveling their patient’s metabolic pathways, revealing their unique Metabolic Signature.

Using a systems-biology approach, OMX assesses biomarkers that go beyond the traditional lists of metabolites. This test enables practitioners to see a patient’s larger health picture by deciphering and connecting perturbations of key metabolic pathways and analytes, allowing for truly personalized therapeutic support.

LM41 Liver Function Panel

This panel is a haematology liver function panel.

The liver function panel is typically undertaken alongside other MeGeMIT tests.

LM1002 Full Blood Count

This panel is a full blood count panel. It is typically ordered as an add-on to other tests undertaken via Lab4more.

LM1506 Nutrients B Complex Panel (Bioactive)

This panel considers B vitamins and is part of our nutrient series of tests.

Our nutrient testing considers vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids as well as food assimilation intolerance, Fructose, intracellular calcium and short-chain polypeptides. Tests can be combined for a more complete picture or run individually.

LM2008 Nutrients: Amino Acids Panel

This serum amino acid panel is one of our Metabolism/Glycaemic Flexibility and Nutrient tests. We also offer a urine amino acid panel

DS853 Organic Acid Test

The Organic Acids Profile from Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory uses an easy-to-collect, first morning void specimen to evaluate organic acids in urine. Test results highlight areas of dysfunction that can be impacted by epigenetic, nutritional, environmental, lifestyle, and other key factors.

Urine organic acids testing can help practitioners identify dysfunction in key metabolic pathways. Dysfunctional metabolic pathways can negatively impact mood, energy production, and overall health while also providing insight into nutrient insufficiency, diet composition, toxic exposures, and microbial metabolism.

The personalized information generated in the Organic Acids Profile test report can establish a patient's baseline status and help practitioners customize protocols.

LM3783 Iron Metabolism Panel

This test is a comprehensive iron metabolism panel.

Q92701 Omega Check

This panel measures essential fatty acids from the Omega 3 and 6 families.

This can be an important adjunct test when considering cardiovascular and inflammatory health. The result also delivers important ratios.

Kesavulu MM et al. Effect of O-3 fatty acids on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme status in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Metab. 2002; 28: 20-26.

James MJ et al. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory mediator production. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000; 71: 343s-348s.

Q36509 Insulin Resistance Panel (Insulin, C-Peptide, IR Score)

This metabolic panel considers risk of insulin resistance.

Q5616 Iron, TIBC, Ferritin Panel (incl % sat)

This comprehensive iron test includes Iron, TIBC & a Ferritin panel.

It can be ordered on its own or alongside other testing.

Q36183 Amino Acid Tract QT Urine

This urine amino acid panel is one of our Metabolism/Glycaemic Flexibility and Nutrient tests. We also offer a serum amino acid panel

Q6399 Full Blood Count (CBC)

Our full blood count covers the typical haematology panel.

It is typically ordered alongside other tests from the same laboratory.

Z702 Fertility Basic Bloodspot Panel

This panel is one of our hormone series of tests and is available as an easy to use bloodspot test.

Z706 Basic Metabolic Bloodspot Basic Test

This basic metabolic test is available as a bloodspot test for optimum ease of use.

Covering both blood sugar dysregulation markers and cholesterol breakdown this test can support greater understanding of key metabolic factors.

LM5545 Nutrients: Mineral Panel

This panel offers key minerals and is part of our nutrient series of tests.

BV101 Nutrients Key Vitamin Panel

This panel offers key B vitamins in their bioactive form

CP603 Walsh Nutrient Panel

This panel is part of our nutrient series and is also our main Walsh Panel nutrient test.

Q10231 CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel includes basic haematology markers for a comprehensive understanding of a clients basic metabolic status.

PR651 PlasmalogenPLUSTM

Prodrome advanced biosystem analysis testing supports greater understanding of cellular function.

Systems related to fatigue/mitochondrial health, cholesterol changes, essential fat status and cognitive function through testing Phospholipids, Fatty acids, GTAs, Iron, Choline, Mito function, C-RP, Elongase 5, Peroxisomal function, cholesterol and kidney function. The Plasmalogen Plus test contains key phospholipid and ethanolamins that are contained within the wider ProdromeScan test. This is a useful test to consider for clients on a budget, or when other testing is being undertaken and the key basic information is required.

PR650 ProdromeScanTM

Prodrome advanced biosystem analysis testing supports greater understanding of cellular function.

Systems supported by this test are related to fatigue/mitochondrial health, cholesterol changes, essential fat status and cognitive function through testing Phospholipids, Fatty acids, GTAs, Iron, Choline, Mito function, C-RP, Elongase 5, Peroxisomal function, cholesterol and kidney function

LM600 Nutrients Essential Elements Panel

This panel offers key minerals and vitamins and is part of our nutrient series of tests.

Nutrient testing considers vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids as well as food assimilation intolerance, Fructose, intracellular calcium and short-chain polypeptides. Tests can be combined for a more complete picture or run individually.....

LM4537 Renal (Kidney) Function

This is a renal (kidney) function panel.

This test is typically undertaken alongside other MeGeMIT profiles.

LM4531 Nutrients: A,B,C,D,E + COQ10 Vitamin Profile

This panel offers key vitamins and is part of our nutrient series of tests.

This vitamin panel includes vitamins important for gut health and energetic well-being.


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NE571 P-TAU 217

pTau217 has been shown in studies to be highly associated with Alzheimer's disease and can be predictive of changes in Tau, relating to Tau-opathies such as Tau tangles. While pTau217 is with presenilin-related genetic predisposition for Alzheimer's (with carriers of this gene having higher levels than non-carriers), more generally pTau217 can be used to measure tau changes as it is specific for both manifestation of and progression of Alzheimer's disease.

In association with pTau217 (test code NE571) Colab Services are now also offering Glial Neurofibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) (test code NE572) and Neurofilament Light Chain (NFL) (test code NE573).

LM513 Bredesen PreCODE Hormone Status

Colabs offer the only Apollo Health-validated Bredesen panels for PreCODE and ReCODE. We offer a 1-stop-shop Bredesen service.

This test covers the Bredesen Pre-code hormone status testing.

NE49 Neuroreader Disk Trial

Volumetric Brain MRI scan disc analysis. This option allows a volumetric MRI disc to be assessed for report production.
On occasion scan parameters are insufficient for volumetric report analysis, this check will inform as to whether the analysis is able to be run.

NQ551 NeuroQuant Report

Neuroquant is an FDA approved tool for accurate brain volume assessment, typically run on a T1 volumetric MRI brain imaging profile.

A 3D T1 Saggital MP-RAGE protocol sequence is required to run the imaging report. NeuroQuant is preferred by Dr Shoemaker in his work reporting on atrophy and oedema changes in the brain relating to biotoxin exposure.

See sample report for further details.

Ross DE, Ochs AL, Seabaugh JM, Shrader CR; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Man versus machine: comparison of radiologist interpretations and NeuroQuant® volumetric analyses of brain MRIs in patients with traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013;25(1):32- 39. doi:10.1176/appi.neuropsych.11120377

McMahon, SW, MD, Shoemaker RC, MD, Ryan JC PhD, Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged Building. J Neurosci Clin Res Vol, Issue 1

NR550 Neuroreader Report

Neuroreader is an MRI imaging report, which utilises processing software for volumetric quantification of identifiable brain structures.

A 3D T1 Saggital protocol sequence is required to run the imaging report. Thickness of slides should be as close to 1mm (max 1.2mm) with no gap between slides. Whole brain should be present with no folding effect.

Neuroreader is preferred by Dr Dale Bredesen in his work on Alzheimer's with atrophy showing in key areas of the brain associated with cognitive changes.

See sample report for further details

Ahdidan, J, Raji, CA, De You EA, Mathis J et al. Quantative Neuroimaging Software for Clinical Assessment of Hippocampal Volumes on MR Imaging. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 49 (2016) 723- 732

Raji, Cyrus A, MD, PhD, Ly, Maria BS, Benzinger, Tammie LS, MS PhD. Overview of MR Imaging Volumetric Quantification in Neurocognitive Disorders, Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Dec 2019, Vol 8, Issue 6 p311-315

NR550/NQ551 Neuroreader & NeuroQuant Reports

Neuroquant is an FDA approved tool for accurate brain volume assessment, typically run on a T1 volumetric MRI brain imaging profile.

A 3D T1 Saggital MP-RAGE protocol sequence is required to run the imaging report. NeuroQuant is preferred by Dr Shoemaker in his work reporting on atrophy and oedema changes in the brain relating to biotoxin exposure.

See sample report for further details.

Ross DE, Ochs AL, Seabaugh JM, Shrader CR; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Man versus machine: comparison of radiologists™ interpretations and NeuroQuant® volumetric analyses of brain MRIs in patients with traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013;25(1):32- 39. doi:10.1176/appi.neuropsych.11120377

McMahon, SW, MD, Shoemaker RC, MD, Ryan JC PhD, Reduction in Forebrain Parenchymal and Cortical Grey Matter Swelling across Treatment Groups in Patients with Inflammatory Illness Acquired Following Exposure to Water-Damaged Building. J Neurosci Clin Res Vol, Issue 1

Neuroreader is an MRI imaging report, which utilises processing software intended for volumetric quantification of identifiable brain structures. A 3D T1 Saggital MP-RAGE protocol sequence is required to run the imaging report. Thickness of slides should be as close to 1mm (max 1.2mm) with no gap between slides. Whole brain should be present with no folding effect.

Neuroreader is preferred by Dr Dale Bredesen in his work on Alzheimer's with atrophy showing in key areas of the brain associated with cognitive changes.

See sample report for further details

Ahdidan, J, Raji, CA, De You EA, Mathis J et al. Quantative Neuroimaging Software for Clinical Assessment of Hippocampal Volumes on MR Imaging. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 49 (2016) 723- 732

Raji, Cyrus A, MD, PhD, Ly, Maria BS, Benzinger, Tammie LS, MS PhD. Overview of MR Imaging Vol- umetric Quantification in Neurocognitive Disorders, Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Dec 2019, Vol 8, Issue 6 p311-315

Q500/Q501 Bredesen Full ReCODE Panel

Colabs offer the only Apollo Health validated Bredesen panels for PreCODE and ReCODE. We offer a 1-stop-shop Bredesen service.

Sample report available for download is related to the report generated within the Apollo Health Software for Bredesen Trained practitioners.

BV120 Kryptopyrroles

Hydroxyhemepyryrrolin (HPL) is tested for with this urinary Kryptropyrroles test.

We also recommend testing B vitamins and Zinc levels to complete the clinical picture.

Q505 Bredesen PreCODE Panel

Colabs offer the only Apollo Health validated Bredesen panels for PreCODE and ReCODE. We offer a 1-stop-shop Bredesen service.

Q506/Q507 Bredesen Pre/ReCODE 6 month Repeat

This is the panel for the 6 month Bredesen pre/recode repeat test.

Q508 Bredesen PreCODE 12 month Repeat

This panel is the 12 month repeat panel for pre-code.

CL535 Bredesen PreCODE Heavy Metals Panel

Colabs offer the only Apollo Health validated Bredesen panels for PreCODE and ReCODE. We offer a 1-stop-shop Bredesen service.

Z701 Neurotransmitters

Key Neurotransmitters are covered by this easy to use urinary test.

Microbiology & Toxic Burden

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EM235 Beta Glucan

Glucans are polysaccharides, primarily composed of glucose chains that can be occasionally cross-linked and branched. They are found in the cell walls of bacteria, plants, fungi (yeasts and molds), and algae.

Immunomodulatory Properties:
Glucans, specifically (1→3)-ß-D-glucans, act as immunomodulators.
They bind to and activate various immune cells, including NK cells, neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages.
Glucans are thought to attach to a range of cells, including fibroblasts and endothelial cells.

Biological Actions:
Glucans induce the production of cytokines, which play a crucial role in inflammation.
They are associated with processes such as nitric oxide generation, complement cascade activation, and activation of lymphocytes and macrophages.
Studies suggest that endotoxin and glucan can work together to boost the inflammatory response, and this combination has been explored in the treatment of certain conditions.

EM226 Actinomycetes Plasma

Actinomycetes plasma test is a measure of actinomycetes. Test is typically undertaken to contextualise actinos skin swab and actinos environmental testing.

Q35159 Virus: Echovirus

This viral test consider Echo virus.

Includes Echovirus 4,7,9,11,30 antibodies

LM1162 Antibodies: Anti-Staphylolysin (ASTAL)

ASTAL is another of the specialised antibody panels Colabs offer.

ASTAL has a specific association with primary human glomerulonephritis so can be utilised for understanding auto-immune renal disease.

LM2989 Antibodies: Strep

Strep antibodies such as ASO and anti-DNAse are common antibodies produced by the immune system as a response to Strep A infection.

Antibodies can be measured after 1-4 weeks of an infection and peak at around 4-6 weeks.

Included Antistreptolysin O, Antihyaluronidase, Antistreptokinase, AntiDNAse B

CLV- Viral Elite Profile (Q112/Q35159/IS1219)

This test measures key viral markers.

The full viral screen includes the analytes: Coxsackie A Antibodies, Coxsackie B (1-6) Antibodies, Echovirus Antibodies, EBV VCA IgG/IgM, EBV EA D IgG, EBNA IgG/IgM, CMV IgG/IgM, HSV 1+2 IgG/IgM, HHV-6 IgG/IgM, VZV IgG.

Q112 Virus: Coxsackie Antibodies

This panel measures coxsackie antibodies. It includes Coxsackie A2, A4, A9, A10 and Coxsackie B1-6

This comprehensive Coxsackie test covers more antibodies than most other Coxsackie tests.

OD189 OraRisk ® CT/NG

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and/or Neisseria gonorrhea (NG)

OD188 OraRisk ® HSV

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes HSV 1 & 2

OD187 OraRisk ® Candida

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes Up to 3 Species are reported on (C.albicans, C.glabrata, C.krusei, C.parapsilosis, C.tropicalis, C.rugosa, C.guilliermondii/C.zeylanoides, C.kefyr, C.lusitaniae)

OD186 OraRisk ® HPV

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes 51 HPV genotypes

OD185 MyPerioID ® IL-6*

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes IL-6

LMVS Viral Serology

The Viral Serology test kit includes the analytes IgG/A for CMV, EBV, HSV1/2, HHV6, RSV, PARVO, VZV and CHLAMYD.

The test can also be broken down into individual viral markers or any combination. Simply purchase individual biomarkers for your own bespoke test panel.

IM1219 Viral Comprehensive Panel (includes in-depth EBV panel)

This panel considers viral antibodies that may be implicated in a chronic health picture.

Includes: IgG/IgM HSV 1+2, IgG/IgM HHV6, IgG VZV, IgG/IgM CMV, IgG/IgM Rubeola/Measles and IgG/IgM EBV VCA IgG Early antigen, IgG/IgM EB Nuclear antigen

MD101 Nasal Swab Full Initial Test (MARCoNS)

The full initial nasal swab test considers both gram positive and gram negative bacterial presence, including Coag. Neg. Staph.

Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus is a bacteria which, when antibiotic resistance is found is known as Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coag. Neg. Staph. (MARCoNS)......

Includes: Bacteria, Biofilm, Fungus

MD102 Nasal Swab: Bacteria & Biofilm (MARCoNS)

This test is part of the CIRS related nasal swab test series. If MARCoNS bacteria is positive then Biofilm is tested.

MD103 Nasal Swab: Bacteria & Fungus (MARCoNS)

This test is part of the CIRS related nasal swab series.

Bacteria and fungal colonisation are assessed in this test.

MD107 Dental Cavitation Swab Full Initial Test

The Dental swab test considers both gram positive and gram negative bacterial presence, including Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus, a bacteria which, when antibiotic resistance is found is known as Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coag. Neg. Staph. (MARCoNS)......

Bacteria, Biofilm, Fungus

NL851 Infection Serology: Lyme (LY)

This panel considers FISH analysis of Borrelia spp/ Borrelia burgdorferi, Bartonella spp, Babesia spp.
Results show white blood cells with intracellular pathogen level and then the vitality of the intracellular pathogen.

NL852 Infection Serology: Rheumatology ®

This panel is part of the infection serology series using FISH analysis.

Include aeromonas hydrophila, salmonella enterica, staph. aureus, strep species

NL853 Infection Serology: Pulmonology (P)

This test is part of the infection serology series. Analysis is undertaken via FISH.

Includes: Haemophilus influenzae, bordetella pertussis, strep. species.

NL854 Infection Serology: Gastro Enterology (GE)

This panel is part of the infection serology series. Analysis is undertaken via FISH.

Includes Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mycobacterium species, salmonella enteric, salmonella spp.

NL855 Infection Serology: Cardiology (CIS) (FISH Test)

This test is part of the infection serology series. Analysis is undertaken via FISH.

Includes Chlamydia pneumoniae/trachomatis.

NL856 Infection Serology: Dermatology (D) (FISH Test)

This panel is part of the infection serology series. Analysis is undertaken via FISH.
It is recommended this test is undertaken alongside actinomycetes skin swab for a comprehensive dermatology picture.

Includes Staph. aureus/spp.

OD180 Oral DNAb ® Alert 2TM (MyPerioPath ® + MyPerioID ® IL-6)

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Identifies one gene marker, IL-6, in combination with the type and concentration of perio-pathogenic bacteria. Alert 2™ combines the most widely used test for oral pathogens that cause gum disease (MyPerioPath®) with inherited genetic risk (MyPerioID®) to create a personalized treatment plan. Alert 2™ provides early warning of oral pathogens and establishes inherited genetic risk.

OD181 MyPerioPath ®*

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, Eikenella corrodens, Capnocytophaga species (gingavalis, ochracea, sputigena)

OD182 OraRisk ® Caries

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes Strep. mutans, Strep. sobrinus and Lacto. casei

AL305 Immune-Reactivity: Mould Hypersensitivity Panel

Mould hypersensitivity to 15 species of common moulds is tested for with this panel.

Includes IgG, IgE, IgA reactivity to Alternaria, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aureobasidium, Candida albicans, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Mucor racemosus, Penicillium chrysogenum, Phoma betae, Rhizopusnigricans, Setomelanomma, Stachbotrys, Stemphylium, Trichoderma

Mould hypersensitivity testing can be useful to establish and immunological response to mould exposure. This can be particularly useful when considering historic exposure when someone may have left the environment they had been in so it is no longer possible to test the environment to see what they may have been exposed to.

OD183 Celsus OneTM

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes IL-1 composite genotype, IL-6, IL-17A, Beta-defensin 1, CD14, TNFa, TLR4 composite genotype, MMP3

OD184 MyPerioID ® IL-1

This panel is part of the Oral DHA series considering potential dental pathogens.

Includes IL-1

G419 Lyme Borrelia Nanotrap Antigen test

This urine-based test provides more sensitive detection for Borrelia burgdorferi infection at all stages of Lyme disease than standard methods.

The Nanotrap® Antigen Test is a direct detection test method that captures and concentrates OspA antigen to more accurately confirm Lyme disease diagnosis.

G418 Lyme Related: Tick-borne ePCR Panel

Additional Lyme Markers help to establish extent of additional related infections via ePCR testing.

Includes Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, and Rickettsia PCR testing.

G417 Rickettsia ePCR

Additional Lyme Markers help to establish extent of additional related infections such as Rickettsia.

Options include Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia and Elisa/Western Blot for Borrelia.

G416 Ehrlichia ePCR

Additional Lyme Markers help to establish extent of additional related infections such as Ehrlichia.

Options include Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia and Elisa/Western Blot for Borrelia.

G415 Anaplasma ePCR

Additional Lyme Marker to establish extent of additional related infections such as Anaplasma

G414 Babesia/Theileria ePCR

Additional Lyme Markers help to establish extent of additional related infections and include Babesia

G408 Bartonella IFA Serology IgG

Antibody testing for B. henselae, B. quintana, B. vinsonii berkhoffii, B. Koehlerae can indicate historic infection.

G407 Bartonella ePCR Single

Bartonella ePCR testing can detect active, low-level infections.

Bartonella can result in severe illness in both animals and humans. Triple sample testing can increase diagnostic opportunities.

G406 Bartonella Testing (ePCR/IgG combination)

PCR Testing alongside antibody testing can distinguish between historic and live infection.

Bartonella ePCR testing can detect active, low-level infections. Bartonella can result in severe illness in both animals and humans. Triple sample testing can increase diagnostic opportunities and is available upon request.

EM220 Actinomycetes Skin Swab

Skin swab for Actinomycetes. Human Host Actinos were selected based on toxins-producing species and their impact on human health.

EM219 Dust: Actinomycetes + Endotoxin

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds, bacteria and metabolites.

The most frequent species of bacteria found in buildings damaged by water are Actinomycetes. This is a type of bacteria that produces biotoxins similar to mycotoxin in the mold. In general, the biotoxins of bacteria by weight and mass are much more important, for example, than mycotoxins. The test is based on the microbial identification of all bacteria in the sample. The Actino test was developed by selecting the 40 main species of Actino in the sample to create a score for Building-related Disease (BRI) situation.

Endotoxins are derived from the cell walls of Gram-Negative bacteria (GNB). Gram-negative bacteria are found almost anywhere in nature. Their toxins are found within the outer layer membrane of the GNB cell wall. They do not have to be living, therefore both viable and non-viable gram-negative bacteria contribute endotoxins.

The most common routes of endotoxin exposure are through inhalation, or through intestinal tract absorption through food or water. The health effect of endotoxins varies depending on the individual, dosage, and route of exposure. Elevated airborne concentrations are prevalent in sewage treatment plants, swine operations, cotton textile mills, poultry houses and in water damaged and flood contaminated buildings.

EM218 Dust: Total Mould

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

The total mold test detects and quantifies all the mould species in the sample and reports the results as spore equivalent per milligrams of the sample.

EM217 Dust: Actinomycetes

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

The most frequent species of bacteria found in buildings damaged by water are Actinomycetes. This is a type of bacteria that produces biotoxins similar to mycotoxin in the mold. In general, the biotoxins of bacteria by weight and mass are much more important, for example, than mycotoxins. The test is based on the microbial identification of all bacteria in the sample. The Actino test was developed by selecting the 40 main species of Actino in the sample to create a score for Building-related Disease (BRI) situation.

EM216 Dust: Endotoxin

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

Endotoxins are derived from the cell walls of Gram-Negative bacteria (GNB). Gram-negative bacteria are found almost anywhere in nature. Their toxins are found within the outer layer membrane of the GNB cell wall. They do not have to be living, therefore both viable and non-viable gram-negative bacteria contribute endotoxins.

The most common routes of endotoxin exposure are through inhalation, or through intestinal tract absorption through food or water. The health effect of endotoxins varies depending on the individual, dosage, and route of exposure. Elevated airborne concentrations are prevalent in sewage treatment plants, swine operations, cotton textile mills, poultry houses and in water damaged and flood contaminated buildings.

EM215 Dust: HERTSMI-2 + 10 Moulds + Mycotoxin

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

HERTSMI-2 test consists of: Aspergillus penicillioides, Asp. Versicolor, Chaetomium globusum, Stachybotrys charterum, Wallemia sebi. 10 moulds and mycotoxins are also tested for as part of this panel.

EM214 Dust: Mycotoxins

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

Mycotoxins are toxic chemicals that are present in spores and small fragments of mold that are released into the air and dust.

EM210 Dust: HERTSMI-2 Only

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

HERTSMI-2 test consists of: Aspergillus penicillioides, Asp. Versicolor, Chaetomium globusum, Stachybotrys charterum, Wallemia sebi. Studies relating to HERTSMI-2 show that despite its limitations of a reduced number of species tested a high score would increase the risk of relapse in a patient with CIRS or someone with high risk.

EM208 Dust: ERMI + Endotoxin

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds, bacteria and metabolites.

ERMI Test consists of: Group 1: A. flavus/oryzae, fumigatus, niger, ochraeus, penicillioides, restrictus, sclerotiorum, sydowii, unguis, versicolor, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Eurotium amstelodami, Paecilomyces variotii, P.brevicompactum, corylophilum, crustosum, purpurogenum, spinulosum, variabile, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis/fusca, Scopulariopsis chartarum, Stachybotrys chartarum, Trichoderma viride, Wallemia sebi. Group 2: Alternaria alternate, Acremonium striatum, A. ustus, Cladosporium cladosporioides 1/2/herbarum, Epicoccum nigrum, Mucor amphibiorum, P. chrysogenum, Rhizopus stolonifer.

Endotoxins are derived from the cell walls of Gram-Negative bacteria (GNB). Gram-negative bacteria are found almost anywhere in nature. Their toxins are found within the outer layer membrane of the GNB cell wall. They do not have to be living, therefore both viable and non-viable gram-negative bacteria contribute endotoxins.

The most common routes of endotoxin exposure are through inhalation, or through intestinal tract absorption through food or water. The health effect of endotoxins varies depending on the individual, dosage, and route of exposure. Elevated airborne concentrations are prevalent in sewage treatment plants, swine operations, cotton textile mills, poultry houses and in water damaged and flood contaminated buildings.

EM205 Dust: ERMI and HERTSMI (Initial Dust swiffer) Kit

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds and metabolites.

ERMI and HERTSMI-2 testing, Actinomycetes, Mycotoxins and Endotoxins can be considered and combination options are available for a more complete picture: ERMI Test consists of: Group 1: A. flavus/oryzae, fumigatus, niger, ochraeus, penicillioides, restrictus, sclerotiorum, sydowii, unguis, versicolor, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Eurotium amstelodami, Paecilomyces variotii, P.brevicompactum, corylophilum, crustosum, purpurogenum, spinulosum, variabile, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis/fusca, Scopulariopsis chartarum, Stachybotrys chartarum, Trichoderma viride, Wallemia sebi. Group 2: Alternaria alternate, Acremonium striatum, A. ustus, Cladosporium cladosporioides 1/2/herbarum, Epicoccum nigrum, Mucor amphibiorum, P. chrysogenum, Rhizopus stolonifer. HERTSMI-2 test consists of: Aspergillus penicillioides, Asp. Versicolor, Chaetomium globusum, Stachybotrys chartarum, Wallemia sebi.

EM212 Dust: Actinomycetes + Total Mould (FAB2)

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds, bacteria and metabolites.

This test considers actinomycetes and total mould species. The most frequent species of bacteria found in buildings damaged by water are Actinomycetes. This is a type of bacteria that produces biotoxins similar to mycotoxin in the mold. In general, the biotoxins of bacteria by weight and mass are much more important, for example, than mycotoxins. The test is based on the microbial identification of all bacteria in the sample. The Actino test was developed by selecting the 40 main species of Actino in the sample to create a score for Building-related Disease (BRI) situation.

The total mold test detects and quantifies all the mould species in the sample and reports the results as spore equivalent per milligrams of the sample.

EM213 Dust: Actinomycetes + Endotoxin + ERMI (SM-AEE)

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds, bacteria and metabolites.

The most frequent species of bacteria found in buildings damaged by water are Actinomycetes this is the type of bacteria that produces biotoxins similar to mycotoxin in the mold. In general, the biotoxins of bacteria by weight and mass are much more important, for example, than mycotoxins. The test is based on the microbial identification of all bacteria in the sample. The Actino test was developed by selecting the 40 main species of Actino in the sample to create a score for Building-related Disease (BRI) situation.

Endotoxins are derived from the cell walls of Gram-Negative bacteria (GNB). Gram-negative bacteria are found almost anywhere in nature. Their toxins are found within the outer layer membrane of the GNB cell wall. They do not have to be living, therefore both viable and non-viable gram-negative bacteria contribute endotoxins.

The most common routes of endotoxin exposure are through inhalation, or through intestinal tract absorption through food or water. The health effect of endotoxins varies depending on the individual, dosage, and route of exposure. Elevated airborne concentrations are prevalent in sewage treatment plants, swine operations, cotton textile mills, poultry houses and in water damaged and flood contaminated buildings.

EM211 Dust: Actinomycetes + ERMI (FAB1)

Dust Swiffer testing comprises tests for assessing environmental exposure to key moulds, bacteria and metabolites.

ERMI Test consists of: Group 1: A. flavus/oryzae, fumigatus, niger, ochraeus, penicillioides, restrictus, sclerotiorum, sydowii, unguis, versicolor, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Eurotium amstelodami, Paecilomyces variotii, P.brevicompactum, corylophilum, crustosum, purpurogenum, spinulosum, variabile, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis/fusca, Scopulariopsis chartarum, Stachybotrys chartarum, Trichoderma viride, Wallemia sebi. Group 2: Alternaria alternate, Acremonium striatum, A. ustus, Cladosporium cladosporioides 1/2/herbarum, Epicoccum nigrum, Mucor amphibiorum, P. chrysogenum, Rhizopus stolonifer.

The most frequent species of bacteria found in buildings damaged by water are Actinomycetes this is the type of bacteria that produces biotoxins similar to mycotoxin in the mold. In general, the biotoxins of bacteria by weight and mass are much more important, for example, than mycotoxins. The test is based on the microbial identification of all bacteria in the sample. The Actino test was developed by selecting the 40 main species of Actino in the sample to create a score for Building-related Disease (BRI) situation.

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Q804 Osteo Essentials Panel

We offer three tests to assess bone health. This is the essentials panel.

The Essentials panel considers hormone and metabolic markers and the comprehensive panel is a combination panel giving a detailed osteo health analysis. The Osteo Elite Panel is a combination of both of these tests.

Q806 Osteo Comprehensive Panel

We offer three tests to assess bone health. This is the comprehensive panel.

The Essentials panel considers hormone and metabolic markers and the comprehensive panel is a combination panel giving a detailed osteo health analysis. The Osteo Elite Panel is a combination of both of these tests.

Q807 Osteo Elite Panel

We offer three tests to assess bone health. This is the Osteo Elite panel.

The Essentials panel considers hormone and metabolic markers and the comprehensive panel is a combination panel giving a detailed osteo health analysis. The Osteo Elite Panel is a combination of both of these tests.